Connor Gilman
Principal, Developer, Program Manager

Connor Gilman is one of the Principals for Pivotal Developers LLC. He has carried nearly every tool in the commercial development and program management world, from shovels to calculators, and still finds his ears to be the greatest instrument. When his career began in 2002 with Parsons-Brinkerhoff Engineering, he quickly understood the importance of listening before acting, and continues to impress this skill upon his team today. Connor has directly managed and supported the development of assets worth over $150 million in multiple vertical industries, including civil/structural assets, commercial office, veterinary hospitals, dental/medical clinics, storage and warehousing, and industrial and manufacturing facilities. Having a ‘cradle-to-grave’ role in these projects and budgets has aided him in bringing diverse experience and approaches to the foreseeable (and unforeseeable) challenges his Clients face. Connor holds a BA in business from TCU, and an MS and MBA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.